Building networks
The PEREVIEWERTM multi-viewer offers cost effective live video monitoring through a gigabit Ethernet input.  The PEREVIEWERTM is capable of decoding as many as 25 single-program transport streams with full resolution in a customizable matrix or by clicking on one program to view in full screen.  The name of each channel is listed above all the programs, the bit rate of each program is displayed below, and the audio bar is displayed on the side.  These features make the PEREVIEWERTM easy to use and monitor any problems that occur; the multi-viewer is perfect for monitoring multi-channel headends.

•	Dual Gigabit Ethernet Input
•	Dual HDMI Output Ports
•	2 x 2 SD/HD Matrix
•	3 x 3 SD/HD Matrix
•	4 x 4 SD Matrix
•	5 x 5 SD Matrix 
•	1080i / 1080p Resolution
•	MPEG Audio
•	SPTS/MPTS Streams
•	MPEG2 SD and HD
•	MPEG4 SD and HD

The PEREVIEWERTM was developed by Peregrine Communications, Inc. using over 25 years of experience designing and installing end-to-end systems.  Peregrine works closely with headend operators and knows what is necessary and required to monitor content streams.  The PEREVIEWERTM allows engineers, technical support staff and anyone else monitoring the system to view live video streams to ensure there are no outages, pixilation, or any other video disturbances before a service call is generated by the customer.

Peregrine Communications Inc.

14818 West 6th Ave, Suite 16A . Golden, Colorado 80401
Copyright © 2012 Peregrine Communications Inc. All rights reserved.